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Credit: Benita Mehta

A+A 2023 reports record number of exhibitors at international safety trade show

2,200 exhibitors from 58 countries are attending the Düsseldorf event

October 24, 2023

“Impulses for a better working world” is the leitmotif of this year's A+A and the parallel congress organized by Messe Düsseldorf together with the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit (Basi) e.V. (Federal Association for Occupational and Health). The trade show and congress cover all aspects of a holistic prevention culture – from corporate health management and personal protection to workspace design and workplace safety management. For the first time, WearRAcon Europe will present the latest developments in exoskeleton technology as part of the trade show.

Exoskeletons and Wearable Robotics in action, fashion shows, live fire protection and the Congress Safety and Health at Work with international appeal – all of this awaits visitors at A+A 2023 in Düsseldorf in late October. On top of this, they will also receive impetus through innovative products, technologies and solutions presented by more exhibitors than ever before. In the Startup Zone young talents introduce their ideas and visions for tomorrow’s world.

New is the pooled display of Corporate Wear in Halls 16 and 17. Concentrated in Hall 15 is the entire spectrum of components and accessories for manufacturing up-to-date protective workwear. 

The daily fashion shows in this hall demonstrate that top design and protection are no longer a contradiction in terms thanks to smart solutions and innovative materials. 

In addition, A+A has become established as the ultimate networking platform for safety experts over the years. As part of the Treffpunkt für Sicherheit + Gesundheit (TPSG – Meeting Point Safety + Health) 80 exhibitors will be showcasing concepts, perspectives, and strategies as well as instruments and occupational safety and health in practice.

“Safety and health at work are highly relevant topics that affect each and every one of us. A+A as a leading trade show is designed to shape a better working world,” explains Lars Wismer, who has been Director of this leading international trade show since December 2022. “We are delighted with the strong uptake at A+A and expect 2,200 exhibitors from 58 countries.”

For this year’s A+A the organizers have optimized the show concept and consistently segmented the ranges by theme. This makes it easier for visitors to locate companies of interest to them and find their bearings on the premises.

Decision-makers and experts alike will find cross-industry solutions and answers for safe, healthy and sustainably designed workplaces across the entire trade show. This, the leading international trade show boasts a wide variety of products and solutions – ranging from personal protective equipment (PPE) for industry and commerce, through corporate fire and environmental protection or disaster relief to ergonomic and healthy workplace design.

A+A is being held at the Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre from October 24 – 27, 2023. 

Read more at: http://www.AplusA-online.de